I almost swore off our blog because it's been so long since I updated it but I had an hour or so of quite time and thought I would get back on track! Other than getting a new computer and not liking how it stored my pics we also had a small house fire this summer thanks to Burkley and some matches; so we have been renovating our master bathroom for the last 4.5 months. If you haven't had the pleasure of having new tile installed in your house while living in it DON'T!!! What a freakin mess!!! Thank goodness it's over and everything is clean and organized again.

I can't remember the last time these guys took a bath? They love the shower and would stay in there forever if I would let them.

Burkley's favorite place in the world is in Heber at Gma & Gpa Secrist's house. He asks if we are going there almost every time we get buckled in the truck.

(I swore I turned this before I uploaded it?) Davis enjoying the porch swing at Gma's.

Marshall in Heber with desitin on his face

Drew and Davis' baby blessing

At the lake for the 4th of July weekend

Marshall turns "2"

Davis sitting up and playing with the rest of them

We did lots of playing outside in the sprinkler this summer!

Our bathroom midway (will post finished pics soon!)

My boys

Davis can go backwards and now is up on all fours. He can get across the room but I am not sure how? I thing rolling is involved! I am fine with him not crawling just yet.