Monday, August 18, 2008

Horsing Around!!

This is what Burkley found after his nap today; One of the horses standing about 3 inches from our glass door. I think he was just looking for a shady place to cool off.

He left a nice treat for Kenny to clean up!


bettina said...

how funny! I bet burkley loved it!! what a mess, good thing kenny had to take care of it!

Mel said...

Haha!! That's funny! Looks like cows are not the only peeping toms! LOL

Karissa said...

There's something you dont see everyday:) I love that he totally wasn't freaked out at all. By the way, Im going private so if you want to leave me your email in my comments then you can keep checking us out.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow!! You guys have a horse!? That must be so much fun for Berkley! Love all the pics of your little guys:)